Ulrika Eller-Rüter
Light and sound installation
Light and sound installation
in the Viktoriabad Bonn by
Ulrika Eller-Rüter
from 18.11. to 27.11.2022
daily from 6pm - 8pm
SEA-LEVEL Performance with Music and Dance
Sat, 19.11. at 18.00 and at 20.00
> François Couperin (1678-1733), „Leçons de Ténèbres*,
No. 3 for two sopranos and basso continuo; improvisation with vibraphone, water percussion and didgeridoo;
> dance improvisation
Ulrika Eller-Rüter, Inga Fortanier, vocals
Jürgen Böhme, organ
Friedemann Geisler, Volker Staubes, vibraphone
Water Percussion
Luiza Braz Batista, Milton Camilo, dance
Marvin Dillmann, didgeridoo
Idea, overall concept, staging: Ulrika Eller-Rüter
The citizens of Bonn are cordially invited to bring their own water samples to the swimming pool for microscopy and to tell „untell“ water stories, which will be anonymously recorded and presented at the finissage.
Fr, 18.11.22 at 18.00;
Greeting: Dr. Birgit Schneider-Bönninger,
Head of the Department of Sport and Culture of the Federal City of Bonn
Introduction: Jenny Geißler-Bentler,
Gallery Geißler Bentler Bonn
Sa, 26.11.2022 at 18.00;
Präsentation of the Bonn Water Drops and Water Stories as well as Microscopies of the Rhine
BRUNNEN project:
Since 2021 „en“ drops have been flowing back,
by Ulrika Eller-Rüter selling an edition of glass drop objects for the benefit of well construction in Africa and other international water projects.
A parallel event will take place at Galerie Geißler Bentler Bonn
(Friedrichstr. 55, 5311Bonn) will host an exhibition of works on paper and fine art prints on the theme of Sea Level“
Viktoriabad Bonn;
Access via Belderberg
(entrance next to the large glass front), 53111 Bonn
The art project is supported by the KLIMAKUNST project funding 2022 of the Cultural Office of the Federal City of Bonn
.Water reflects in every drop the „Ein-Flüsse“ of its environment. The multidisciplinary SEA-LEVEL-LAB is dedicated to this memory. For ten days, the disused Viktoriabad in Bonn will be transformed by a light and sound installation into a sounding underwater world.
Ulrika Eller-Rüter has been collecting samples from different waters of the world on her travels since 2019, archiving them and microscoping them.
The microscope reveals a wealth of images and codes that provide information about civilisation, landscape or nature, the cosmos and the universe.
Just as the human fingerprint serves to identify an individual, the microscopes have striking „physiognomies“. The Rhine, for example, whose riverbed runs near the Viktoriabad and whose drop images are among hundreds of others integrated into the „stream“ of the installation, shows a „similar face“ whether it was created in Bonn, Düsseldorf or Duisburg.
Like a polyphony, the Sea-Level-Lab simultaneously brings a „language-flow“ to life with water stories in original sound recordings: if water stores information like a memory, then human memories are also in demand. The artist has collected water stories - including memories, anecdotes, myths, legends, etc. - from 15 different linguistic regions. These stories, together with sound elements from classical music, fill the space in original sound.
As an ongoing process, the flow of images and language will be further developed during the project phase. It is planned that the artist will take water samples from the Rhine every day and microscope them.
The Viktoriabad, as a place of water, will also be the setting for
>> performances >> a water laboratory
>> a fountain project